JKU for business development



Task name:
JKU for business development

PLN 669 815.00

Total value:
PLN 669 815.00

Task description:
The direct aim of the project is to increase the range of cooperation between the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce and the business environment.

The planned activities aim to strengthen the cooperation between science and the economic environment through implementing innovative projects for and in collaboration with
entrepreneurs. The cooperation between researchers and business representatives will enable innovative solutions to be brought to the market. Projects for implementation will be selected
in the course of a competition, and preference will be given to solutions applicable to a larger number of enterprises and those with a greater scale of innovation in terms of territorial coverage. Implementing the action will have an impact on developing business and innovation through implementing scientific work.

In addition, the project includes planned activities related to raising staff competences and marketing activities promoting JKU as a research unit.


Flaga i godło Polski

Projekty ze środków budżetu państwa
lub Państwowego Funduszu Celowego

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