Second International Congress of Penitentiaries



Program or Grant name: „Excellent Science”

Task name: Second International Congress of Penitentiaries.

CO-FUNDING 66 220.00

Total value 75 420.00

Brief description
The aim of the project is to bring together in one place and time the leading (national and international) representatives of the world of penitentiary science as well as representatives of state institutions and authorities. The aim of the project is also to undertake a direct discussion and exchange of views on the current state of knowledge and the current situation, and thus the impact of the pandemic on the functioning of the Prison Service as well as the penitentiary science and practice in view of the challenges facing the, Polish, European, and global prison system over the following 10 years. The main topic will consist in the issue of long-term custodial sentences. It is planned that leading representatives of penitentiary science from the most prestigious Polish (among others, the University of Warsaw, the University of Gdańsk, the University of Białystok, the Higher School of Justice, the Central Board of the Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Justice, the Ombudsman, and the Institute of Justice) and foreign (among others, French, English, Hungarian, Czech, Slovakian) research centres and state institutions will arrive.

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