Excellent science II


PROGRAMME: „Excellent science II”

Task name: „Social work in theory and practice – an interdisciplinary approach”

Funding: PLN 88 000

Total project value: PLN 98 000


Task description:

The project assumes the organisation of the 3rd International Scientific Conference „Social work in theory and practice – an interdisciplinary approach”. The conference will be implemented in the course of an initiative by the the Department of Social Work, under the direction of dr hab. Mariola Wojciechowska, Prof. of JKU, at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. The conference will take place in November 2023 at the Fr. Stanislaw Konarski Hall and the teaching facilities of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. The aim of the conference is to create a space for exchanging experiences, presenting current research results, reflect on the activities undertaken in the field of social work and social assistance in the face of contemporary challenges. In the era of a constantly complicating social reality, addressing the issue of social work from an interdisciplinary perspective is particularly important and necessary. The discourse of academics and practitioners, presenting the issues of social work in a broader context, is becoming significant. The planned conference will be attended by renowned Polish and foreign academics as well as specialists in the field of broadly defined aid activities. The conference will be addressed at both Polish and foreign universities, as well as organisations and institutions. Speakers from various countries, workers of aid institutions, students (including those participating in Erasmus+ exchanges), and doctoral students are expected to participate. Involving such a wide range of people will work in favour of a closer cooperation (including international) in the search for effective means of support in the face of emerging difficulties and threats affecting society. The conference will result in disseminating research results and practical experience in the form of a scientific monograph, and all of the conference's participants are going to have the opportunity to contribute to it.


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