Świętokrzyskie Youngest Science Festival







Task name:
Świętokrzyskie Youngest Science Festival

PLN 165 665.00

Total value:
PLN 186 265.00

Task description:
The aim of the project consists in developing a comprehensive program and organising a series of monthly scientific and didactic lectures/lectures and workshops popularising among the younger generation, in an accessible form, the results of scientific research conducted at the university in terms of two editions (1st edition - academic year 2022/2023 and 2nd edition - academic year 2023/2024). The Świętokrzyskie Youngest Science Festival will be implemented based on four interdisciplinary thematic modules: (1) Man and Nature; (2) Man and Culture; (3) Man and Society;(4) Man and Modern Technologies. The basis for the project's program concept consists in a vision of the contemporary human being perceived in a holistic manner, transformed along with the nature in which that person lives, creating and reinterpreting culture, fulfilling social and civic obligations, or redefining his or her status in the area of modern technologies.

The offer is aimed at primary school students aged 7-15 and parents/legal guardians of children participating in UDJK.

The project will result in an increase in the participants' (children and young people) knowledge concerning the manner of conducting scientific research in universities and how its results are useful in everyday life, as well as an increase in social competences in terms of developing teamwork, creativity, and initiative. The project's impact-verifying activities also include a Young Scientists' Symposium, where the participants of the project will present their first research achievements, inspired by the communications and scientific workshops held as part of the festival activities.

Flaga i godło Polski

Projekty ze środków budżetu państwa
lub Państwowego Funduszu Celowego

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