Developing a metrological basis for biomedical measurements using selected quantitative phase imaging methods





Task name:
Developing a metrological basis for biomedical measurements using selected quantitative phase imaging methods

Project: PLN 963 600.00

Total value:
PLN 963 60.00

Task description:
The main objective of the project is to propose a fully metrological approach to quantitative phase imaging (QPI- Quantitative Phase Imaging) for biomedical applications at the cellular level. The QPI methods analysed in the course of the project will consist in laser interferometry, digital holographic microscopy, and optical diffraction tomography with holographic projections. The main quantities subjected to metrological analysis will be the phase of the micro-objects as encoded in the recorded interferograms/holograms and the three-dimensional distribution of the refractive index. It is also planned to analyse the impact of uncertainty concerning measuring these quantities on the associated biophysical parameters (their spatio-temporal changes) used in biomedical research and diagnosis. The application relevance of the developed methodology of determining the uncertainty of phase and refractive index measurements will be demonstrated on the example of determining cell geometrical parameters as well as dry mass density and its change in eukaryotic cells forming a monolayer. These studies are planned to be carried out in the spatio-temporal setting of diffusing chemical compounds with cytotoxic activity. The parameters of transporting biologically active substances through the cell monolayer will be determined on the basis of an analysis of concentration profiles, linked to phase and refractive index measurements. The obtained results obtained constitute the basis for inferring the cytotoxic effects of the compounds tested and will be further verified using standard biological techniques.

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Projekty ze środków budżetu państwa
lub Państwowego Funduszu Celowego

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