Deadline for the artistic aptitude test for the Artistic Education in the Musical Arts course.


First cycle studies

Candidates for Artistic Education in the Musical Arts should have the necessary aptitude, skills and musical preparation for this course of study. Criteria include an assessment of aural, vocal, and manual aptitude, as well as the performance of an instrumental programme.

Artistic aptitude test:

Assessment of vocal, aural and manual aptitude:

  • Performance of 1-3 pieces on an instrument of the candidate's choice,
  • performance of one vocal piece without accompaniment,
  • musical hearing test

Graduates of second-level music schools are exempted from the artistic aptitude test. The second-level music school diploma must be provided on the day of the aptitude test.

Second-cycle studies

Artistic aptitude test (for graduates of other courses in music and musicology with a musical background):

  • vocal aptitude assessment: performance of two vocal pieces without accompaniament,
  • manual aptitude assessment: performance of three pieces on the piano (or other keyboard instrument),
  • conducting of two choral works (for audio recording).

Planned aptitude test date:

First cycle studies:
- 11 July 2023, 9:00 am, Room 2
Institute of Music
ul. Mickiewicza 3, Kielce
Second-cycle studies:
- 20 July 2023, 10.00 am, Room 2
Institute of Music
ul. Mickiewicza 3, Kielce
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