prof. dr hab. Jarosław Karpacz

prof. dr hab. Jarosław KarpaczProf. dr hab. Jaroslaw Karpacz is an experienced researcher, teacher, and business advisor. He obtained the degree of Habilitated Doctor of Economics in the field of Management Sciences in 2012 from the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk. For several years, he has been successfully (as evidenced by his numerous scientific publications) active as a researcher in the area of management and quality sciences, particularly in the field of strategic management. This activity remains closely linked to ongoing research projects. Over the past decade, he has led two projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the NCN. He has also participated or is participating as a contractor in several other large science projects funded by these sources and carried out together with employees from other universities. His long-standing collaboration with business closely corresponds with this area of his work. In the last decade, in terms of JKU he has carried out several advisory projects dedicated to practice. It is worth noting that this activity has been characterised by the longevity of relationships with service recipients that are still maintained today, which in many cases constitutes a transmission belt for transferring managerial expertise to the owners or employees of these entities. The problems of practice diagnosed in the course of the consultation work have often inspired undertaking research. Whereas, scientific cognition worked in favour of building and implementing useful managerial support tools. In addition to his commercial work, in terms of volunteering he provides support to organisations from the social sector, which has been and continues to be a valuable source of experience regarding managing these specific organisations.

His teaching activities are closely linked to his academic interests and relate to strategic management and entrepreneurship. For nearly three years, he has been an employee (currently manager) of the Data Management Competence Centre at the Tax Administration Chamber in Kielce. Continuously since 2015 he has been a member of the Committee on Organisation and Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

An important addition to Jarosław Karpacz's experience consists in his role as an expert for the Association of Organisers of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centres in Poland. He is also an active member of the Accountants Association in Poland, the Świętokrzyska Lodge of the BCC and the Świętokrzyska Innovation Council.

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