
On behalf of the Scientific Committee, the Centre for Science and Student Culture of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce invites students of first, second and third cycle studies, members of Student Scientific Associations of universities in Poland and abroad to participate in the conference.

The conference has an interdisciplinary character. It is divided into three sections: Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Economics and poster section.

Application forms to participate and other information can be found at:

The organisers introduce a limit of 4 papers and 2 posters submitted by members of one Student Scientific Association. In addition, a student may be the author or co-author of one paper. A group representing one Association may consist of a maximum of 8 students and a supervisor. No more than 2 people can be authors of one paper.


Deadline for submissions: 3 March 2017

The participation application form (Annex no. 1 and 2) and a printout of the text of the paper (prepared in accordance with the editorial requirements of the Annex no. 3), opinions of the scientific supervisor of the paper (Annex no. 4), proof of payment for participation in the conference should be submitted to the Centre of Science and Student Culture of the JKU in Kielce, at ul. Śląska 15, room no. 8.

In addition, a file with the paper (named according to the scheme: Surname.First name.SKN….pdf/doc. e.g. Kowalski.Jan.SKNGeografów.doc)


Persons presenting the paper will have boards and multimedia projectors at their disposal. The author's poster for the poster session should be displayed before the start of the conference in a place prepared by the organisers.

Papers that do not meet the requirements, as contained in the appendices, may not be accepted for presentation at the conference.



Information about the competitionof the Conference of Student Scientific Associations of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce "Man and his environment"

  1. All students actively participating in the conference are at the same time taking part in the conference competition of the Conference of Student Scientific Associations of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce "Man and his environment".
  2. The aim of the competition is to identify the best forms (papers, posters, etc.) presented during the conference.
  3. Competition rules can be found at:
  4. The composition of the Competition Committee can be found at:

The cost of participation per person in the conference is shown in the table below and includes: participation in the conference, conference materials, coffee service and refreshments during breaks in the proceedings, dinner at the end of the conference.


Conference fee

Student of the JKU in Kielce

40 PLN

Student from another university

50 PLN




The conference fee should be paid to:

The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
Raiffeisen Bank Polska SA
48 1750 1110 0000 0000 2108 1237
by 3 March 2017.

The remittance of the conference fee in the content should include the name of the participant and the name of the conference: "XXVI KSKN "Man and his environment".

Note: The conference organisers issue VAT invoices to the institution that makes the payment for the participant or to the individual paying for the participation in the conference individually.

Information about the possibility of publishing a paper in a journal
"Zeszyty Studenckiego Ruchu Naukowego UJK w Kielcach (Eng. Notebooks of the Student Scientific Movement of the JKU in Kielce)"
volume 26/1 (Humanities and Social Sciences)
or volume 26/2 (Natural and Economic Sciences) in 2017

  1. All students presenting scientific papers during the conference have the opportunity to publish an article in the above mentioned journal.
  2. Those submitting a paper for publication by 31.03.2017 must create their own account on the University Journals Platform of the JKU in Kielce: Then follow the instructions for authors who wish to publish their own paper in the journal "Zeszyty Studenckiego Ruchu Naukowego UJK w Kielcach", volume 26/1 (Humanities and Social Sciences) or volume 26/2 (Natural and Economic Sciences).


Brief instructions for creating your own account on the University Journals Platform of thr JKU in Kielce can be found at:

The prerequisite for publication of the paper is a positive scientific review of the article by the Reviewer of the journal (the so-called anonymous review, or "blind review") and the approval of the Scientific Council of the journal.