Expenses related to organised conferences, conventions, etc.

Expenses related to organised conferences, conventions, etc.

I would like to kindly inform you that in connection with the implementation of the Integrated Information System and the Rector's Ordinances 26/05 and 68/08 in force at the University, the expenses related to scientific conferences, conventions, etc. organised by the University - such as accommodation, meals, office supplies, printing of publications ... are subject to the rigours of the Public Procurement Act and the provisions contained in the above-mentioned ordinances. Therefore, the person responsible for organising a conference, convention, etc. is obliged to report to the Procurement Department with the Conference Application or estimate accepted for execution in order to determine how the order will be implemented. Any expenditure made without the application of the provisions of the Public Procurement Act or the provisions contained in the Rector's Ordinances will not be accounted for.

The consequences of actions that do not comply with the University's regulations will be borne by the employee responsible for organising the conference, convention, etc.

JKU Chancellor

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