prof. dr hab. n. o zdr. Dorota Kozieł

dr hab. Dorota Kozieł, Prof. of JKUUrodzona 30 maja 1963 roku w Kielcach. Academic teacher, nurse, specialist in surgical and operative nursing, provincial consultant in surgical and operative nursing. A graduate of the Faculty of Nursing at the Medical University of Kraków. She completed postgraduate studies in organisation, management, and economics in healthcare at the School of Public Health of the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź. She obtained the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in 2008 from the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Medical University of Łódź. The degree of Habilitated Doctor of Health Sciences was conferred by the Council of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Jan Kochanowski University in 2016 on the basis of a series of publications on the epidemiology and clinical course of acute pancreatitis.

In 2008, she took up the position of deputy director of teaching at the Institute of Nursing and Obstetrics. In the years 2009-2019, Vice Dean for Teaching and Student Affairs and then for General Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. In the academic year 2019-2020, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences, Chair of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Health Sciences and Head of the Department of Nursing and Obstetrics at the JKU Medical College.

Her research interests focus on surgery and surgical nursing, gastroenterology, genetic determinants of diseases with a particular focus on pancreatic diseases and obesity. An important research trend consists in working on the impact of socio-demographic and lifestyle factors on the risk of obesity, lipid disorders, and metabolic syndrome, as well as senior policy and gerontology.

Her scientific output includes more than 110 publications with a total score of 822 MNiSW/KBN until 2018 and 905 points from 2019-2020; 63.914 IF, Hirsch Index (Web of Science) 10.

Individual Award of the Rector of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce for outstanding scientific achievements in 2015 and 2017 and for outstanding organisational and teaching achievements in 2008, 2009. Third place in the Teacher of the Year 2013 competition awarded by the Student Government of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. Award of merit for the profession in the science category granted by the Świętokrzyskie Chamber of Nurses and Midwives in Kielce.

Prof. Dorota Kozieł is a member of scientific societies: Polish Gerontological Society - Chairperson of the Świętokrzyskie Branch 2011 – 2019 currently Secretary, Polish Nursing Society, Polish Pancreatic Club, European Pancreatic Club. Member of the scientific council and thematic editor of the Medical Studies journal. Research internship: International Observership Program In the Digestive Disease Institute; Department of Bariatric and Metabolic Institute Cleveland Clinic USA 2015. Reviewer of more than 100 papers in national and international scientific journals and dozens of papers in foreign scientific journals with an IF impact factor. Promoter and assistant promoter of three PhD dissertations. Reviewer of three doctoral dissertations and member of more than a dozen doctoral committees, as well as the course subject examiner.

Member of the State Examination Board for conducting the state examination in surgical nursing for nurses. Member of the JKU Senate from 2012 to 2020. Member of the Social Council of the Świętokrzyskie Oncology Centre.

Head of scientific and didactic projects: SIMED - simulation in the education of nurses and midwives- a development program of JKU in Kielce, Regional Initiative of Excellence, which aims at intensive scientific and research development of the Medical College. Funding granted by the Minister of Science and Higher Education in the sum of PLN 12 million. Determinants of the incidence and course of acute pancreatitis - statutory research project.


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