Letter of the Rector prof Jacek Semaniak to the academic community of the Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce

Letter of the Rector prof. Jacek Semaniak to the academic community of the Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce

Dear Sir or Madam,

due to the threats and actions taken in our country related to the prevention and combating of COVID-19, we had to face an unusual situation, requiring special care not only for our own health, but also for the safety of our relatives, friends and those , which we encounter every day on our path in various life situations. I remind you to comply with all laws and recommendations issued by state authorities. Let's be responsible and prudent.

Regulations introduced by the Minister of Science and Higher Education on limiting the functioning of universities, relating to the introduction of the state of epidemic threat, in connection with the announcement of the state of the epidemic, were extended until April 10, 2020. Regularly updated ordinances and messages related to the work of our University are available on the information service on the main website at www.ujk.edu.pl. We also disseminate them through social media and electronic communication.

Pursuant to the Rector’s Order No. 50 of March 13, 2020, didactic classes were suspended until further notice. As you know, to ensure a fairly smooth operation of the University, we have introduced the obligation to carry out classes using distance learning methods and techniques (if the type of class allows for their implementation in a remote form). Thank you for the great commitment of academic teachers, administrative staff and IT departments, who extremely quickly provided access to teaching materials enabling the implementation of a significant part of classes on online platforms. Thank you to students and doctoral students who are efficiently adapting to these study conditions.

In addition to the recommendation of working remotely (in the form chosen by employees), a limitation on the obligation to work at the university (with the need to ensure continuity of the University's operation) has also been introduced. Pursuant to the Rector’s Order No. 71 of March 24, 2020, this restriction was extended to April 10 this year.

Guaranteeing the continuity of university's work would not be possible without those who carry out their official duties within its walls, showing commitment that goes beyond everyday tasks. I am grateful to the administration and service staff of the university and the entities cooperating with it for ensuring the efficient functioning of teaching facilities and the student campus. Thank you for the efficient implementation of financial settlements, ongoing resolution of personnel, organizational, scientific, legal, technical and investment issues, timely payment of remuneration and performing other tasks resulting from the specificity of various organizational units.  Special thanks and expressions of solidarity go to employees and volunteers who realize their calling in clinical settings.

Thank you to all members of our academic community, involved in the coordination and implementation of tasks related to the organization of education and learning, especially in these unusual working and study conditions. Thank you for your initiative and dedication, without which it would be difficult to imagine passing the next exam our academic community faced. Let the feeling of belonging to this community be a source of strength in facing the challenges that reality now presents to us.

I thank you with all my heart for all efforts made for the University.

Jacek Semaniak

Rector of the Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce


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