Candidate for the post of rector

Jacek Semaniak (born on 30.03.1964 in Strzelce Opolskie)

I graduated with a master's degree in physics (1988) from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Higher School of Pedagogy in Kielce. I received my doctoral degree in physics in 1995 from the Institute of Nuclear Problems in Świerk, and my habilitation degree in 2002 from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. I was awarded the title of Professor of Physical Sciences in 2012.

My scientific output includes 85 papers on atomic and molecular physics, of which 80 have been published in journals on the Philadelphia list (including Nature, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, The Astrophysical Journal) and more than 40 announcements presented at international conferences. I have co-authored 25 publications of a didactic nature. The total number of citations of papers according to the ISI Web of Science database is 2078 (1848 without self-citations), Hirsch index 24.

My scientific activities are related to the study of collisions of free electrons with molecular ions, the study of the mechanisms of ionisation and emission of characteristic X-rays in collisions between ions and atoms, the use of X-ray fluorescence analysis in the determination of trace element concentrations.

Since 1988 I have been employed at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce in the following positions: intern assistant (1988), assistant (1989), assistant professor (1997) and associate professor (2003). I served as Deputy Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs from 2005 to 2008, 2008 - 2012 as Deputy Rector for General Affairs and as Rector since 2012.

I have held long-term research internships at the Royal Stockholm University of Technology (18 months), Stockholm University (18 months) and the United Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna (6 months).

I have acted as manager of three research projects funded by the Committee for Scientific Research and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, several multi-year projects carried out as part of my own and statutory research. I coordinated the tasks carried out by the Polish side as part of the research and training network funded by the 5th Framework Programme of the European Union. I have conducted research, documented by joint publications, in collaboration with scientists from Stockholm University, Royal Stockholm University of Technology, the University ofGoteborg, the University of Erlangen, the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg, the University of Basel, the FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics in Amsterdam, the Laboratory of Neutron Physics at the United Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, JILA Boulder, Charles University in Prague, and the Institute for Nuclear Problems in Świerk.

I am the supervisor of one doctoral dissertation and reviewer of two dissertations.

For my scientific, didactic and organisational achievements I have been awarded the Rector's Award, the Award of the City of Kielce, the Medal of the National Education Commission, the Silver Cross of Merit and the Golden Cross of Merit.

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