55 years of the university

Budynek Hali sportowej, w tle BibliotekaThe Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, one of eighteen state classical universities in Poland, is now a thriving and largest university in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship. It is an academic institution with a significant and well-established scientific position in the country. The Jan Kochanowski University combines tradition with modernity. It refers to the past and the rich traditions of the city and the region and provides an impulse for the further development of Kielce as a university city. It contributes to the scientific, cultural, social, and economic potential of the Świętokrzyskie region.

The nature and extent of the changes taking place in our University can be clearly seen from the perspective of the last decade. Today's Jan Kochanowski University is a modern university, adapted to the university standards of the 21st century and one of the best equipped universities in Poland in terms of scientific and teaching facilities. Such dynamic development of the University has been made possible, among other things, by European Union structural funds and grants from the state budget. In the last decade, the University has obtained nearly PLN 500 million in funding through this route, resulting in a significant expansion of the University Campus. Superbly equipped and modern teaching rooms as well as specialised laboratories have been created, providing excellent teaching facilities and a scientific base for multidirectional research that enables the development of university staff.

Budynek Wydziału Nauk Ścisłych i Przyrodniczych

The staff headcount of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce on 1 January 2021 is 1,543, including 961 academic teachers and 582 non-academic employees. There are currently 11,849 students and doctoral students in all fields and forms of study, including nearly 600 foreigners. The Jan Kochanowski University is one of the most successful and popular universities in the country. Statistics concerning recruitment from recent years prove the steadily growing interest in our teaching offer at all levels of study.

The University provides education in 50 fields of study and nearly 150 specialisations in almost all academic disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, medical and health sciences, sciences and natural sciences, and the arts. The University's educational offer is being successively enriched with new programme proposals related to the needs of the contemporary labour market. We are expanding our English-language education offer. In recent years, several fields of study have been introduced, which are very popular and of interest to young people, such as law, psychology, applied criminology, cosmetology, dietetics, data engineering, social communication, medical course - in Polish and English (English Division). New for the 2019/2020 academic year is, among other things, general speech therapy. The university provides education in 10 doctoral programmes, with nearly 300 doctoral students currently enrolled.

Budynek Centrum Biznesu UJK

As of October 1, 2019, doctoral training is already taking place in the newly established Doctoral School at the Jan Kochanowski University, comprising four discipline sections: humanities [discipline: history, linguistics, literary studies]; social sciences [discipline: Legal sciences, political and administrative sciences]; medical and health sciences [discipline: medical sciences, health sciences] and science and life sciences [discipline: biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, earth and environmental sciences]. The priority of the Doctoral School consists in the highly specialised training of young researchers, doctoral students acquiring the skills and social competences that enable them to conduct independent research and disseminate their results.

The Jan Kochanowski University is currently authorised to confer doctoral degrees in 14 scientific disciplines and postdoctoral degrees in four disciplines.

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