R3 - Recognised researcher

Possessing at least a doctoral degree and significant achievements: scientific or artistic – in the case of research staff, or scientific, artistic or teaching – in the case of research and teaching staff, and having a track record in the training of scientific staff, and:

  1. experience in leading research teams or projects or conducting projects independently, or
  2. achievements in obtaining research funding from external sources – in the case of research and research and teaching staff.


  • has the competencies of „recognised researcher”; (see R2)
  • has an established position in the scientific community based on research excellence in the represented discipline;
  • contributes to the development of knowledge and research through the ability to cooperate and collaborate;
  • is able to identify research problems, opportunities, and methods within the represented discipline;
  • conducts research independently;
    is the main author of scientific publications or the organiser of scientific sessions or conferences.


  • establishes cooperation with research groups;
  • effectively provide information concerning own research to the scientific community and the public;
  • is innovative in his/her approach to research;
  • is able to secure research funding by raising funds from funding bodies;


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