Graduates tracking

ELA - Polish Graduate tracking system

Since May 2016 there is a nationwide system for tracking Polish Graduates of Higher Education Institutions (ELA). The basis of the system for tracking the career of graduates of universities is automatic reports. The main source of the information presented in them is administrative data from the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) system and from the POL-on system.

The tracking was made possible by the amendment to the - Higher Education Law, which came into force on 1 October 2014. The first group to be surveyed are those who graduated in 2014. Read more

Access to ELA is available at:

There is an Academic Career Office at the JKU, which, among other things, tracks the career of graduates. The mission of this Office is to provide students and graduates of our University with the best possible opportunities to enter active professional life. For more on the activities of this Office, check:

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