Accessibility of academic space for persons with disabilities - for the teaching staff of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities

Accessibility of academic space for persons with disabilities - for the teaching staff of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences and Faculty of Humanities
First date 07.02.2022 practical day (on site) and 28.02.2022 theoretical day (remote)
II date 10.02.2022 practical day (on site) and 28.02.2022 theoretical day (remote)
III date 18.02.2022 practical day (on site) and 28.02.2022 theoretical day (remote)
Persons willing to participate in the training are asked to send completed application forms (link to the form) to the following address: by 02.02.2022 for the first date, by 07.02.2022 for the second date, and by 14.02.2022 for the third date


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