


Project regulations:

'DEVELOPMENT ACCELERATOR of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce'
in the scope of support of doctoral students in the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Science
and Natural Sciences of JKU in Kielce



§ 1



Whenever the Regulations refer to:

  1. Project – it should be understood as the project entitled: 'DEVELOPMENT ACCELERATOR of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce' with the number POWR.03.05.00-00-Z212/18, implemented
    by Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Axis III – Higher Education
    for the economy and development Measure 3.5 Comprehensive university programmes of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020,
  2. University or JKU – it means Jan Kochanowski University
    in Kielce, which is the Project Proponent,
  3. FH – is to be understood as the Faculty of Humanities,FS&NS– is to be understood as the Faculty of Science and Natural Sciences,
  4. Candidate – it should be understood as a JKU doctoral student who submitted a completed Application Form to participate in the Project along with other required documents,
  5. Project Participant – it shall be understood as a doctoral student approved by JKU
    to participate in the Project,
  6. Group I – is to be understood as doctoral students at JKU in the fields of biology, geography who have started their third or fourth year of study,
  7. Group II – is to be understood as doctoral students at JKU in the fields of history, linguistics or literary studies who have begun their third or fourth year of study,
  8. Group III – is to be understood as doctoral students of the JKU doctoral school in the disciplines of biological sciences, physical sciences, chemical sciences, Earth and environmental sciences,
  9. Group IV – is to be understood as doctoral students of JKU doctoral school in the disciplines of history, linguistics, literary studies,
  10. Project Office – it should be understood as the Project office located at ul. Żeromskiego 5 in the Rector's Office, room 107,
  11. Coordinator – it should be understood as the Director of the JKU Doctoral School,
  12. Persons responsible – this is to be understood as the heads of the humanities, science and natural sciences sections by discipline, both for doctoral students in Groups I and II as well as III and IV,
  13. Academic Committee –is to be understood as the committee carrying out the recruitment procedure and consisting of:
  1. Director of the Doctoral School,
  2. Deputy Director of the Doctoral School,
  3. heads of sections (humanities, sciences and natural sciences) in the Doctoral School and heads of doctoral programmes (linguistics, literary studies, biology, geography) in which the Project is implemented.
  1. The Team for Monitoring of Doctoral Student Progress – is to be understood as a four-member team appointed by the Coordinator and operating within the Scientific Commission that evaluates the annual reports, gives its opinion on the Schedule and its amendments.
  2. Project website – it should be understood as a sub-page of the main JKU website i.e., and/or information contained in the Doctoral School tab.
    on the University's homepage.



§ 2



  1. These Regulations define the aims and subject matter of the Project in terms of support for doctoral students of the Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Natural and Scientific Sciences, the principles of recruitment, and the rules of organisation of support in individual Groups (I-IV).
  2. The support provided to Participants under the Project is free of charge, financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund and conducted in accordance with the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
  3. The implementation period of the Project is from 01.08.2019 to 31.07.2023.
  4. Project participants are obliged to familiarise themselves with the content of these Regulations.
    and agree in writing to accept its provisions, which they confirm by signing the enrolment documentation.



§ 3



  1. The aim of the project is:
  1. strengthening the scientific development of doctoral students at JKU in Kielce by including
    new components to the educational curriculum, including:
  1. scientific courses taught by researchers from overseas centres,
  2. scientific seminars led by professors from Polish research units,
  3. research internships abroad,
  4. specialised training resulting from the individual scientific development plans of doctoral students,
  5. incentive scholarships,
  6. participation in international scientific conferences to present the results of their research,
  1. improvement of the quality of doctoral theses prepared by doctoral students studying at JKU in Kielce.
  1. The subject matter of the project is the integration of multiple types of support with the education curricula in accordance with the provisions of § 6, § 7 sec. 1 and § 8, sec. 1.



§ 4



  1. The Project Participant may use, subject to § 6 sec. 3, various types of support offered in the Project after the Coordinator has approved the Schedule for the academic development and preparation of the dissertation (hereinafter referred to as the Schedule) as reviewed by the Team for Doctoral Students Progress Monitoring.
  2. The offer and rules for the use of support and the way in which support is financed are different
    for individual Participant Groups and specified in § 6, § 7 sec. 1 and § 8, sec. 1.
  3. The Project Participant is obliged to prepare and submit to the Coordinator a Schedule, with the Thesis Supervisor's opinion, including in particular the types of support they plan to use and the deadline for the submission of the dissertation, no later than 3 months from the date of eligibility for the Project.
  4. Failure to submit the Schedule is tantamount to loss of status of Project Participant.
  5. If the Schedule is not approved by the Coordinator, the Project Participant may, within 30 days, submit a revised Schedule to the Coordinator in accordance with the comments of the Team for Doctoral Progress Schedule Monitoring. The provision of sec. 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
  6. The Project Participant, after a period of extension or suspension of education, is required to submit an updated Schedule within 30 days. The subject of the evaluation of the updated Schedule is, in particular, the issue of timely beginning of the dissertation defence. The provisions of sec. 4 and 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
  7. The Project Participant is required to submit a report on the Schedule to the Co-ordinator at the end of each academic year, by 10 October, with a report to be submitted within one month
    in the the year of the dissertation has been submitted.
  8. A negative assessment of the Schedule report may be grounds for cancellation of Project Participant status.
  9. The Project Participant undertakes to submit the dissertation until
  1. 31 May 2021 (30 April 2019 for doctoral students who have initiated their doctoral thesis),
  2. until 31 May 2022 (doctoral students who have not initiated their doctoral thesis at the time of recruitment to the project),
  3. until 1 February 2023 (Doctoral School students).
  1. A Project Participant receiving support from the Project who does not proceed to the defend their dissertation by:
    1. 31 December 2021. (Doctoral students who have initiated their doctoral thesis by 30 April 2019),
    2. 31 December 2022 (doctoral students in PhD programmes who do not have an initiated doctoral thesis at the time of recruitment to the Project),
    3. 31 July 2023 (Doctoral School students),

automatically loses the status of a Project Participant and may be charged with the costs of the support provided, in accordance with the rules specified in § 10 of these Regulations.

  1. During the period of extension or suspension of training, the Project Participant is not entitled to the support provided for in these Regulations.


§ 5



  1. Recruitment will be carried out in accordance with the principles of equal opportunities for women and men, including people with disabilities.
  2. Recruitment will be internal, competitive and will be conducted within a set limit of places:
  1. among Group I and Group II doctoral students, for a total of 16 people,
  2. among Group III and Group IV doctoral students, for a total of 12 people.
  1. Supplementary recruitment is allowed throughout the duration of the Project,
    up to the agreed overall limit – 28 persons.
  2. Participation in the Project will be available to candidates who met formal requirements of parrticipation, to wit:
  1. have the status of a doctoral student at JKU,
  2. have submitted their applications for inclusion in the Project and other documents required during the recruitment procedure (annex 1, annex 2, annex 3).
  1. Stages of recruitment:
  1. information campaign on the Project:
  1. notifying doctoral students by e-mail about the possibility of participation in the Project,
  2. an informational meeting between the Project coordinator and doctoral students,
  3. the announcement of the Project recruitment on the main University website and the Project sub-page,
  1. Application for participation in the Project is made by submitting (or sending by post/e-mail) to the Project Office the completed Application Form (annex 1) together with other documents required in the recruitment procedure, confirming the fulfilment of the recruitment criteria:
  1. Groups I and II:
  • confirmation of doctoral student status - a formal requirement,
  • number of points obtained in the parametric evaluation in the academic year preceding the year of application - the score established by the Scientific Committee,
  • The state of progress of the doctoral dissertation (based on the Supervisor's opinion) - a score determined by the Scientific Committee,
  • planned date for completion of dissertation (based on supervisor's opinion) – formal requirement,
  • confirmation of initiation of doctoral dissertation (4th year students) – formal requirement,
  • other achievements in relation to scientific activities– a score established by the Scientific Committee,
  • a positive outcome of the interview – a formal requirement.
  1. Group III and IV:
  • confirmation of doctoral student status – formal requirement,
  • confirmation of the number of points obtained in the admission procedure– scores determined by the Scientific Committee,
  1. The application form can be downloaded from the Project Office or from the Project website,
  2. the schedule for recruitment, including deadlines and closing dates for applications will be provided
    on the Project's website and on the University's homepage at least one week before each planned recruitment,
  3. recruitment for participation in the Project is carried out by the Scientific Committee,
  4. The tasks of the Scientific Committee in the recruitment procedure, include:
  1. formal verification of applications,
  2. development of a system of scoring for fulfilling individual criteria referred to in the items 2a and 2b and place it on the project's webpage by the date appropriate for the announcement of the recruitment,
  3. scoring of merit criteria,
  4. conducting an interview,
  5. drawing up ranking lists separately for each Group, indicating the persons qualified to participate in the project,
  6. drawing up the minutes of the Commission meeting,
  7. announcement of recruitment results,
  1. The interview can be concluded with a positive or negative result,
  2. a negative result of the interview or specifying in the Application Form (Annex 1) the expected date of submission of the submission of the dissertation as a day after:
  1. 31 May 2021 (Doctoral students who have initiated their doctoral dissertation until 30 April
  2. 31 May 2022 (doctoral students who have not initiated dissertation at the time of recruitment to the Project),
  3. 31 December 2022(Doctoral School students),

or failure to meet any of the other formal conditions shall be tantamount to
with a negative result in the admission procedure; the number of points in the admission procedure is set at 0.

  1. the results of the recruitment procedure are announced by e-mail for each candidate individually.


§ 6

ORGANISATION OF SUPPORT –incentive scholarships


  1. The Project participant receives an incentive grant:
  1. In Groups I and II, the incentive scholarship is awarded:
  1. for Project Participants recruited to the Project during their 3rd year of studies who have initiated their doctoral dissertation: for the duration of work on the preparation of the doctoral dissertation
    until its submission, provided that it is submitted within the time limit indicated in § 4(1). 9(1),
    in the amount of PLN 1,500 per month in the first and second year of participation; additionally, the Project Participant who submitted their doctoral dissertation within the aforementioned time limit receives a lump sum amount of PLN 9,000 to be paid within 3 months after the doctoral defence; the rules for the payment of the scholarship and the lump sum are regulated in the agreement concluded with the Participant.
  2. for Project Participants recruited to the Project during their 3rd year of studies, who do not have an open dissertation: for the time of work on the dissertation until it is submitted, as long as it is submitted within the deadline indicated in §4 sec. 9, item 2), in the amount of PLN 1,500 per month in the first and second year of participation; additionally, the Project Participant who submitted their dissertation within the aforementioned time limit receives a lump sum of PLN 11,000 to be paid within 3 months after the dissertation defense; the rules for the disbursement of the scholarship and the lump sum are regulated in the agreement concluded with the Participant.
  3. for Project Participants recruited to the Project during their 4th year of studies for the duration of their work on the preparation of the doctoral dissertation until its submission, if the submission takes place
    within the period defined in § 4, sec. 9 item 1), in the amount of PLN 1,500 per month; additionally, the Project Participant who submitted their doctoral dissertation within the aforementioned deadline receives a lump sum of PLN 5,000 to be paid within 3 months after the dissertation defense; the rules for the payment of the scholarship and the lump sum are regulated in the agreement concluded
    with the Participant,
  1. In Groups III and IV, the incentive grant is awarded for the duration of the work
    on the preparation of the doctoral thesis until its submission, if the submission takes place
    within the period defined in § 4, sec. 9, item 3), in the amount of PLN 2,000 per month in the first and second years of education and, after a positive mid-term evaluation, in the amount of PLN 3,000 per month
    in the third and fourth year of education; in addition, a Project Participant who has submitted a dissertation
    within the aforementioned period, receives a lump sum of of PLN 18,000 to be paid within 3 months following the defence of the dissertation; the rules of payment of the scholarship and the lump sum are regulated in the agreement concluded with the Participant.
  1. The stipend is paid to the Project Participant on a monthly basis. For an incomplete month, the amount is calculated proportionally.
  2. The first stipend shall be paid after approval of the Schedule, with the alignment of
    for the previous months, but not earlier than after three full months of participation in the Project. If the Schedule is not accepted, the candidate is not eligible for stipend.
  3. The condition for receiving the incentive grant in the following academic year is to obtain a positive evaluation of the annual report on the implementation of the Schedule by the Team
    for Doctoral Students Progress Monitoring.
  4. A Project participant who has submitted their doctoral dissertation before the required deadline shall be paid funds in the amount calculated by multiplying the amount of the incentive grant received per month and the number of months by which the period for submitting the doctoral dissertation has been shortened.
  5. The amount of the stipend and the amount of the lump sum is exempt from income tax pursuant to Art. 21 sec. 1 item 137 of the Personal Income Tax Act of 26 July 1991 (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1387 as amended) and no social security contributions are paid on it.
  6. In the event of a decision to terminate the status of a Project Participant, payment of the stipend shall be suspended. The suspended payment shall be paid with compensation only
    in the event of a change of decision.



§ 7

ORGANISATION OF SUPPORT – compulsory module

  1. The organisation of support within the framework of the compulsory module will be carried out
    by participation in:
  1. teaching activities,
  2. scientific seminars led by professors from Polish research units,
  3. research placements abroad,
  4. international scientific conferences, related to the presentation of research results,
  5. scientific courses taught by scientists from foreign centres,
  6. workshops led by professors from foreign/Polish centres,
  7. foreign library and archive queries.
  1. The offer of support within the obligatory module for individual Participant Groups:
    1. Group I, types of support:
  1. scientific courses taught by researchers from overseas centres,
  2. scientific seminars led by professors from Polish research units,
  3. participation in international scientific conferences, related to the presentation of research results,
    1. Group II, types of support:
  1. scientific courses taught by researchers from overseas centres,
  2. scientific seminars led by professors from Polish research units,
  3. participation in international scientific conferences, related to the presentation of research results,
    1. Group III, types of support:
  1. scientific seminars led by professors from Polish research units,
  2. foreign research internships,
  3. participation in international scientific conferences, related to the presentation of research results,
  4. implementation of teaching activities,
  5. scientific courses taught by researchers from overseas centres,
    1. Group IV, types of support:
  1. scientific seminars led by professors from foreign research units,
  2. foreign research internships,
  3. participation in international scientific conferences, related to the presentation of research results,
  4. implementation of teaching activities,
  5. workshop classes led by professors from foreign/Polish centres,
  6. overseas library and archive queries.
  1. The project participant will be paid funds or reimbursed the costs of participation
    in individual types of support, on the terms set out in the project, up to the amounts indicated in the internal regulations in force at the University specified in Regulation No. 14/2010 on the conditions and mode of implementation of forign trips of academic teachers and Regulation No. 73/2014 on the amount of allowances and reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses for persons who are not employees of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce for a domestic or foreign trip during which they perform statutory tasks.
  2. The permission to leave is granted to the Project Participant by the Coordinator.
  3. The Project Participant is obliged to participate al least once in each type of support
    according to the group classification.
  4. Each of the types of support listed for the Group in the mandatory module should be included in the Schedule and shown in the annual report.
  5. The Project Participant is obliged to report each participation in any type of support they receive to the Project Office. Failure to do so may be grounds for cancellation of their Project Participant status.



§ 8


  1. The organisation of support within the optional module will be implemented through participation in:
  1. research placements abroad,
  2. national scientific conferences, related to the presentation of research results,
  3. national/international summer/winter schools,
  4. specialised training resulting from the scientific development plan,
  5. purchase of scientific materials and consumables for the experimental part of the doctoral thesis.
  1. Offer of support as part of the optional module for specific Participant Groups:
  1. Group I, types of support:
  1. foreign research internships,
  2. specialised training resulting from the scientific development plan,
  3. purchase of consumables for the experimental part of the doctoral thesis,
  1. Group II, types of support:
  1. foreign research internships,
  2. specialised training resulting from the scientific development plan,
  3. purchase of consumables,
  1. Group III, types of support:
  1. specialised training resulting from the scientific development plan,
  2. purchase of consumables for the experimental part of the doctoral thesis,
  1. Group IV, types of support:
  1. participation in a national scientific conference related to the presentation of research results,
  2. purchase of study materials,
  3. foreign lecture,
  4. national/international summer/winter schools.
  1. The types of support from the optional module in which the Project Participant intends to take part should be included in the Schedule and, once implemented, shown in the annual report.
  2. The Project Participant is obliged to report each form of support they receive
    to the Project Office. Failure to do so may be grounds for cancellation of their Project Participant status.







§ 9


Entitlements and responsibilities of Project Participants:

  1. The Project Participant is entitled to benefit from the support offered by the Project, according to the accepted division into Groups,
  2. The Project Participant is obliged to:
  1. submit a complete set of required documents entitling them to participate in the Project,
    i.e., Declaration of participation in the Project (annex 2) and the Participant Declaration (annex 3),
  2. comply with the regulations of the doctoral studies curriculum (Group I and II) and the regulations of the doctoral school (Group III and IV),
  3. regular and active participation in learning activities,
  4. the timely submission of annual reports on the implementation of the tasks included in the
  5. report to the Coordinator all comments, requests and proposals concerning the implementation of the Project,
  6. notify about any change of personal data.
  1. Loss of Project Participant status is decided by the Coordinator. A request for reconsideration against the Coordinator's decision may be submitted within 14 days,
  2. Loss of the Project Participant status occurs in the case of:
  1. removal from the list of doctoral students,
  2. lack of acceptance of the Schedule (including after a period of extension or suspension of education),
  3. failure to obtain a positive assessment of the annual report on the implementation of the Schedule
    by the Team for Doctoral Students Progress Monitoring.
  4. failure to submit the dissertation within the time limits delineated in these Rules,
  5. resignation from participation in the Project. The resignation should be justified;
    in the event of a resignation, the Coordinator shall specify in the decision whether or not a resignation has taken place
    for valid reasons,
  1. The Project Participant is obliged to comply with these Rules ; violation of the Rules may be used by the Coordinator as a basis for a decision to revoke the Project Participant status.



§ 10

  1. In the case of a final decision issued by the Managing Authority, Intermediate Body or any other body controlling the spending of EU funds, which calls into question the legitimacy of the spending of funds allocated for the Project by the University, or in the case of necessity to incur additional or ineligible costs in the Project costs by the University, in particular in the case of:
    1. breach of the Project Regulations by the Project Participant,
    2. the provision by the Project Participant of data which is not factually correct,
    3. loss of a Project Participant status due to reasons that are not found justified.

The Project Participant whose act or omission gave rise to a claim for reimbursement
or incur additional costs may be required to reimburse the University for any costs incurred by the University in connection with the Project implementation.

  1. Reimbursement should be made within 14 days from the request to the party obliged to perform reimbursement.





§ 11


  1. The University reserves the right to amend the content of the Rules for important reasons, including when the need for the amendment arises from legislation, internal regulations as indicated in paragraph 7 sec. 3 of the Rules of Procedure, the provisions of the contract
    for project co-financing, recommendations of the intermediate body and/or financing institution, and when the introduction of the change will be justified by the proper project implementation.
  2. An amendment to the Rules of Procedure shall take effect on the day following that on which it is published in the manner usual for the publication of Rules of Procedure.





  1. Annex 1 – Application form.
  2. Annex 2 – Declaration of participation.
  3. Annex 3 – Declaration of the Project Participant.



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