Application for registration of a student scientific association

Application for registration of a student scientific association


The application for registration of a student scientific association should include:

  1. The name of the association and its headquarters,
  2. Names of student founding members (not less than 5 persons), stating the year and field of study,
  3. The opinion of the Dean of the Faculty and the Director of the Institute at which the association is to operate,
  4. Consent of the association supervisor.


The application for the registration of the student scientific association should be addressed to J.M. Rector of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. It should be submitted to the Centre for Science and Student Culture at ul. Śląska 15, room 08. Tel. no. 349 78 95

The application must be accompanied by:

  • A list of members of the association with indication of the year and field of study
  • The e-mail address of the supervisor or chairman
  • Composition of the association's board,
  • Association Statutes.

The Statutes should include

  • the aims, objectives, scope of activity of the association
  • the association's authorities, the scope of their powers, the manner of their appointment and the duration of their term of office,
  • the conditions and method of dissolution of the association,
  • procedure for adopting and amending the Regulations,
  • other provisions.
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