Microsoft 365

Jan Kochanowski University, ensuring the continuity of teaching, scientific and administrative processes, has provided employees and students with the Microsoft 365 service in the full functional scope under the purchased license. The service can be used in a standard way through installation on a computer as well as online - as part of OneDrive, a virtual disk, each user is allocated 1TB of online storage. Each user has the option of using the service on any 5 devices (stationary and portable). Microsoft 365 applications are available on both Mac and PC.

Microsoft 365 functionalities give the opportunity to exchanging documents (including teaching materials), working on shared documents, using a spreadsheet, tools for creating surveys and forms, a calendar, organizing and handling virtual meetings, storing, sharing files with access to them from anywhere and device.

Access accounts for academic teachers and students are set up by IT specialists in organisational units. Accounts for non-teacher employees are set up by employees of the IT Security Department. Support in using the functionality of the service is provided by IT specialists in units, departments, branches. The faculties’ websites contain information about the Microsoft 365 service. Instructions are provided in the form of separate news.

Information about Microsoft 365 package to support remote working by K. Kupczewski, K. Kunisz (collaboration), M. Wysocka-Kunisz (collaboration), Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences

In addition, the following were prepared:

which will ensure that meetings can be held as part of their duties.

Microsoft Teams is part of the Microsoft 365 service, based on chat a separate workspace, enabling file sharing and the ability to work with them in real time by several people, it ensures the efficient organization of work of the entire team. It is a tool for cooperation through virtual audio-video meetings with many people / teams of students or employees.


When setting up a team, pay attention to the „Privacy” option:

Public - all members of the organisation can join.

Private - only team owners can add members.

Similarly when creating a channel within a team:

Standard - available to everyone in the team.

Private - only available to a specific group of people in the team.

Microsoft Stream is a video service within Microsoft 365. When creating a meeting recording, keep in mind that the Microsoft 365 Stream app allows you to share the recording with anyone/other people in your organization, so be careful when creating your team/meeting/recording, respecting the team's privacy rules.

By default, the processed recording is available in the Stream app to all members of the meeting being recorded.

It is recommended that the meeting organiser copies the recording from Stream, saves it on encrypted and virus-protected computer media and deletes the recording from Stream and removes it from the application's Recycle Bin.

We would like to remind you that all recordings in Stream are to be available only to selected, clearly defined audiences!

Microsoft 365 meeting recordings collected using Stream may contain personal data in the form of images of individuals and identifying information. Therefore, when processing them, the rules on limiting the purpose and time of processing, provided for in the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR, Journal of Laws UE L 119 of May 4, 2016, p. 1, as amended).

According to these principles, personal data must be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes. In addition, personal data must be stored for a period not longer than it is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed, and processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and accidental loss.

Microsoft 365 users are required to use the service in a manner consistent with the law and principles of network etiquette, in particular it is prohibited to:

1. violating the privacy of others;

2. illegal distribution of copyrighted material;

3. distribution of pornographic material;

4. taking actions that may disrupt the operation of services and systems;

5. taking actions aimed at obtaining unauthorised access;

6. sending unsolicited mail or facilitating it to other entities;

7. sharing your account, including login details, with others.

At the same time, we would like to remind you of the provisions of the Regulations of the Computer Network of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce and the necessity to apply them.

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