Journal of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce

Okładka czasopisma UJK numer 2/2023
JKU journal issue 2/2023

The summer semester of the 2022/2023 academic year was full of interesting events at our university. We have prepared an offer of nine new study courses. Their attractiveness will be verified during the recruitment process, and we will be able to assess the final outcome in September. We look forward to their popularity. A particular field of study consists in pharmacy. The MEiN's approval to launch it, following a positive assessment by PKA and MZ, was received in July. Therefore, the recruitment process for this course will be postponed. I would like to sincerely thank the representatives of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences for their work on creating the new study courses, as well as the team from the Medical College and the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences involved in preparing a proper application for the launch of the pharmacy course. Read more


Okładka czasopisma UJK numer 1/2023
JKU Journal issue 1/2023

We have entered the difficult, although full of hope year of 2023, hope for peace, for stabilising social and economic life, severely affected by the pandemic, war, and the deterioration of the material situation of a significant part of the population. Strengthened by favourable forecasts (improvement in the socio-economic situation, absence of pandemic threats, perhaps the end of war?), we will carry out the tasks arising from the strategy of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. Read more


Okładka czasopisma UJK numer 3/4/2022
JKU Journal issue 3/4/2022

The following issue of „Czasopismo UJK” is published at a special time – of the approaching Christmas and New Year 2023. May the traditional atmosphere of closeness, understanding, and empathy with the needs of your fellow human beings reside in your hearts during this festive season. May the essence and atmosphere of Christmas be a source of the gift of forgiveness for others, understanding, and empathy during conflict situations. Read more


Okładka czasopisma UJK numer 2/2022
JKU Journal issue 2/2022

In the fourth issue of „Czasopismo UJK” we devote much space to a summary of the second semester of the past academic year. This year's spring is the time when the masks began to disappear from our faces and instead of having virtual conversations, we could meet again in real life. Read more


Okładka czasopisma UJK numer 1/2022
JKU Journal issue 1/2022

In this third issue of the JKU Journal, we bring you information about important events that have taken place in the life of our University. Due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the need to provide our students and staff with a variety of material, psychological, legal, and social support, I have appointed a Team for the support of the staff, doctoral, students, and students who are Ukrainian citizens. Read more


Okładka czasopisma UJK numer 1/2022
JKU Journal issue 2/2021

We bring you the second issue of the JKU Journal. The issue contains a lot of pro memoria information from the life of our University as well as interesting articles by representatives of selected scientific disciplines, presenting our scientific, teaching, and social activities. We are still struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Okładka czasopisma UJK numer 1/2022
JKU Journal issue 1/2021

It is with great pleasure that we bring you the first issue of the JKU Journal. Within it, we are pleased to report on our achievements and successes, the investments undertaken to expand the university campus, and the state of recruitment. Read more


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