Development Accelerator



The project 'DEVELOPMENT ACCELERATOR at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce' has been launched, aiming at the improvement of the quality of doctoral theses and strengthening the scientific development of doctoral students by including new components in the educational curriculum, including e.g., scientific courses and seminars conducted by scientists from foreign centres, specialised training resulting from individual scientific development plans, and foreign scientific internships. Participants of the aforementioned projects receive financial support in the form of incentive scholarships and funding for research activities.


2nd recruitment aimed at 3rd and 4th year doctoral students of: history, linguistics, literary studies, biology, geography



  • deadline for submission of required documents: by 21 January 2020,
    3:00 pm (in person) in room 107 (ul. Żeromskiego 5) or electronically


Please note: original documents must be submitted at the latest during the interview


  • interview:
    22 January 2020, 10:00 am, room 1 (ul. Żeromskiego 5)




The project 'DEVELOPMENT ACCELERATOR at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce' has been launched, aiming at the improvement of the quality of doctoral theses and strengthening the scientific development of doctoral students by including new components in the educational curriculum, including e.g., scientific courses and seminars conducted by scientists from foreign centres, specialised training resulting from individual scientific development plans, and foreign scientific internships. Participants of the aforementioned projects receive financial support in the form of incentive scholarships and funding for research activities.



  • deadline for submission of required documents: by 21 January 2020,
    12:00 pm (in person) in room 107 (ul. Żeromskiego 5) or electronically


Note: for doctoral students, original documents must be submitted at the interview at the latest.


  • interview for doctoral students:
    7 January 2020, 3:00 pm, Room 107 (ul. Żeromskiego 5)


Documents for download:


Scoring system



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