General information
City of Kielce - general information
Population - 210,311 (as at 31 March 2004 according to the Statistical Office in Kielce)
Total area - 109.45 (in sq. km).
Location - Central Poland, 200 38' east longitude and 500 53' north latitude
The capital of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is located on the western edge of the Kielecko-Łagowska Valley, surrounded by the forested Tumlińskie Hills to the north, theDymiński Range to the southeast, Range to the northeast, theDymiński Range to the southeast, the Posłowicki Range to the south, and the Zgórski Range to the southwest. The Kadzielnia Range runs through Kielce itself.
Significant altitude differences (from 260 m above sea level in the Silnica Valley to 406 m above sea level on Telegraph Hill)
Major road links
- No. 7 (Gdansk - Warsaw - Kielce - Krakow - Chyzne)
- No. 73 (Tarnów - Kielce - Warsaw)
- No. 74 (Sulejów - Kielce - Kraśnik)
- No. 761 (Kielce - Częstochowa)
Distances from major cities in Poland
- Warsaw - 170 km
- Krakow - 117 km
- Katowice - 161 km
- Łódź - 140 km
- Wrocław - 302 km
- Poznań - 340 km
- Gdańsk - 474 km
Świętokrzyskie voivodship - general information
Regional capital: Kielce
The Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is located in the central-eastern part of the country.
The location of the voivodeship is determined by its extreme points:
- to the west, the town of Dąbie (19°43' E)
- to the east, the town of Zawichost (21°42' E)
- to the north Kamienna Wola (51°21' N)
- in the south Sędziszowice (50°10' N)
Part of the voivodeship's borders are natural - to the south-east and east they are defined by the Vistula, to the west by the Pilica. Almost the entire region (with the exception of one district of Sandomierz) is located in the left-hand side of the Vistula river basin.
The Świętokrzyskie voivodeship lies within the Małopolska Uplands, an area that includes:
- Kielce Upland
- The Nida Basin
- the eastern part of the Przedbork Upland
It borders the voivodeships:
- Lubelskie
- Łódzkie
- Lesser Poland
- Mazovian
- Podkarpackie
- Silesian
The urbanisation index places the voivodship in penultimate position (45.5% of the population live in towns)
Regional authorities:
local government:
- Adam Jarubas - Marshall of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship
- Bożentyna Pałka-Koruba - Świętokrzyskie Governor
- Piotr Żołądek - Deputy Governor of the Świętokrzyskie region
Kielce authorities:
- Wojciech Lubawski - Mayor of the City
Useful links:
local government:
Kielce authorities:
Świętokrzyskie Voivodship Office