Recruitment for the project - 2nd Call


Recruitment for the project 'SIMED- simulation in the education of nurses and obstetricians - a development programme of JKU in Kielce' for nursing students is extended until 30 October 2018, 3:00 pm


Please be informed that applications for the project 'SIMED- simulation in the education of nurses and obstetricians - a development programme of JKU in Kielce' will be accepted from 01.09.2018 until 15.10.2018.


The project is targeted at 15 people (12K/3M) from the teaching and technical staff employed at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Recruitment concerns:

- overseas training for simulation instructors,

- POLSIM basic level training for teaching staff,

- POLSIM advanced level training for teaching staff,

- practical training - OSCE Examiner.


Completed and signed application documents should be delivered to the Institute of Nursing and Obstetrics - SIMED Project Office, Room 110, ul. IX Wieków Kielc 19, 25-317 Kielce, to Angelika Lewandowska.

Recruitment is internal and runs until 15 October 2018.


If you have any questions, please contact us:

Institute of Nursing and Obstetrics, Room 110

Angelika Lewandowska – 041 349-69-22;

Project Manager

JKU Prof. Dorota Kozieł, PhD 041 349-69-05;


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