Thermomodernisation of the didactic facility of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Arts of JKU in Kielce at ul. Krakowska 11

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Thermomodernisation of the didactic facility of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Arts of JKU in Kielce at ul. Krakowska 11

The project is co-financed under the Operational Programme 'Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020', Measure 1.3. Promoting energy efficiency in buildings, Sub-measure 1.3.1. Promoting energy efficiency in public buildings.

Implementation date: 01.01.2016 r. - 31.12.2018 r.

Project objectives: The aim of the project is to carry out thermal modernisation works, which will contribute to the reduction of low emission sources and heat demand in the JKU teaching building.

Main objective: Organise sources of low emissions by carrying out thermal modernisation work in the JKU teaching building.

Direct objectives: reduction of the building's thermal energy requirements; reduction of the amount of fuel used; reduction of maintenance costs (heating, electricity); reduction of atmospheric emissions; increased comfort of the building's users; increased aesthetics of the public space due to the renovation of the building's façade.

Intermediate objectives: increase of the efficiency and effectiveness of the heating system; reduction of the expenditure from public funds; improved quality of the environment; increase of the comfort of the facility.

Planned effects: The scope of the thermal modernisation project of the Faculty building results from the ex-ante energy audit, and the results of the project implementation will positively influence the magnitude of the direct result indicator:

- there the annual primary energy consumption of the building will be reduced by 745 990.00 kWh, which will represent 3.11% of the target value provided for in the Detailed Description of Priorities.

As a result of the project activities, the following will take place in relation to the facility:

- a reduction in final energy consumption by 561 360.00 kWh, i.e., by 54%,

- electricity savings of 67 639.00 kWh,

- heat energy savings of 1 777.4 GJ,

- reducing annual primary energy consumption in public buildings by 2685.56 GJ,

- estimated annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 159.99 Mg.

Output indicators:

- Number of energy modernised buildings: 1 pc, (0.24% of target),

- Usable area of thermally upgraded buildings: 5306 m2 (0.24% of target).

The project will lead to a 54.2% reduction in final energy consumption.

Value of the project: PLN 3 106 070.45.

European Funds contribution: PLN 2 575 920.63.


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