The Health path to career project, POWR no.03.01.00-00-S182/15 is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund.

The aim of the project is to improve the competences of 215 students (175K,40M) of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the JKU, through participation in high quality internship programmes in the period 01.05.2016 - 31.03.2018


The project will result in:

Number of persons who improved their competences within the framework of ESF-supported university activities:215

Number of persons who improved their competences by participating in high quality 3-month internship programmes: 215

Number of persons who improved competences desirable for the international labour market: 22

Number of students who participated in internships supported by ESF funds: 215

Number of students supported by employers to enter the labour market: 215


Value of the project: 2 759 667,19 PLN

European Social Fund contribution 84,28% - 2 325 847,50 PLN


Project description:

The project involves the implementation of high quality 3-month internship programmes aimed at students of purely practical programmes at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Participants in the project are final-year students of physiotherapy, nursing, obstetrics and emergency medicine.

The subject areas of the implemented internship programmes will be closely linked to the learning outcomes of the above-mentioned programmes, thus ensuring their practical application in the course of their tasks. Internship programmes will be developed in accordance with the Council Recommendations of 10.03.2014 on the quality framework for internships and thus clearly define the educational objectives of the internship, the relevant working conditions and remuneration, the dimension and duration of the tasks - which will be included in the provisions of the internship contract. The proper realisation of the internship (ongoing monitoring, progress and evaluation of the intern, respect for the intern's rights) will be monitored by a supervisor delegated by the entity offering the internship, while the internships will be realised in high-quality institutions supporting students in starting their professional activity on the labour market, financially reliable, having a good reputation in the environment, meeting health and safety standards, ergonomic and employing highly substantive staff, thus ensuring maximum effective realisation of support for the participant. The types and form of support will be selected according to the directional needs, qualifications and competences of the participants.

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Projekty ze środków budżetu państwa
lub Państwowego Funduszu Celowego

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