Expansion of the building of the Faculty of Law, Management, and Administration (new name: Faculty of Law and Social Sciences - WPiNS)

Flaga Polski oraz Godło Polski


Co-funded with state funds

Expansion of the Faculty of Law, Administration, and Management


Co-funding: PLN 16 123 thousand

The total value of the project: PLN 24 174 thousand

Brief description:

The expansion of the building of the Faculty of Law, Management, and Administration (new name: Faculty of Law and Social Sciences - WPiNS) will complement the entire base of the most „popular ’ faculty of the Jan Kochanowski University. The facility will stand in place of the existing Institute of International Relations and Public Policies, which is to be demolished. It will include lecture halls, rooms for student science clubs, as well as the teaching infrastructure necessary for the proper functioning of the faculty.

A four-storey building with an area of approximately 4 000 m2 of usable area with four above-ground floors. It will be constructed in monolithic technology with brick wall filling and a façade system on the elevation. The building is to be visually adapted to the modern architecture of the campus and the building of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Business (CPiB), to which it will be directly adjacent. It will constitute the communication between the already existing building of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences and the CPiB building. The building will be equipped with the following systems: central heating, hot and cold water, sewage, rainwater, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical, low-current. The facility will include an elevator and complete architectural service for persons with disabilities.

Flaga i godło Polski

Projekty ze środków budżetu państwa
lub Państwowego Funduszu Celowego

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