High-Quality Internships for Artists and Educators


The project 'High-Quality Internships for Artists and Educators', no. POWR.03.01.00-00-S075/17 carried out by Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Axis III Higher education for the economy and development Measure 3.1 Competences in higher education of the Operational Programme 'Knowledge Education Development 2014 - 2020.'


Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund


The main objective of the project is to increase the competencies required on the labour market and expected by employers among 182 students (149W, 33M) of last year of study of Arts and Humanities at Jan Kochanowski University
in Kielce, by organising 182 high-quality national internships in the period from 01.02.2018 - 31.12.2019.



The project will result in:


Number of people, who improved competences in activities of universities supported by ESF: 182 (149W/33M)

Number of students who participated in internships supported by ESF funds:
182 (149W/33M)

Number of internships carried out: 182


Target group:

JKU will support at least 30% of students in the last four semesters of full-time studies in the fields of: Polish Philology, History, Social Work, Artistic Education in the Visual Arts, Design.

The project is aimed at 182 people (149W,33M), and in the first and second year of its implementation it will by students of:

- Polish Philology: 41 (38W,3M) and 30 (25W,5M)

- History: 21 (11W,10M) and 7 (5W,2M)

- Design: 6 (4W,2M) and 7 (5W,2M)

- Art Education in the Visual Arts: 5 (4W,1M) and 12 (9W,3M)
- Social work: 29 (28W,1M) and 24 (21W, 3M)


The project involves the organisation of 182 high-quality internship programmes in the period from 01.02.2018 to 31.12.2019 , including for students of:


Polish Philology

Year of support/academic year





Total number of internships

Type and year of studies

41 students, including:

30 students, including


1st cycle, 3rd year

18 students

10 students

2nd cycle, 2nd year

23 students

10 students

1st cycle, 2nd year


10 students




Year of support/academic year





Total number of internships

Type and year of studies

21 students, including:

7 students, including:


1st cycle, 3rd year

11 students


2nd cycle, 2nd year

4 students

7 students

1st cycle, 2nd year

6 students





Year of support/academic year





Total number of internships

Type and year of studies

6 people, including:

7 students, including:


1st cycle, 3rd year

6 students

7 students


Artistic Education in the Visual Arts

Year of support/academic year





Total number of internships

Type and year of studies

5 people, including:

12 people, including:


1st cycle, 3rd year

5 students


2nd cycle, 2nd year


12 students


Social work

Year of support/academic year





Total number of internships

Type and year of studies

29 students, including:

24 students, including:


1st cycle, 3rd year

10 students

5 students

1st cycle, 2nd year


5 students

2nd cycle, 2nd year

10 students

7 students

2nd cycle, 1st year

9 students

7 students



Project description:


Each Project Participant will complete a 16 week-long internship with a total duration of 480 h (120 h/month, no less than 20 h/week) guaranteeing the acquisition of practical work experience related to the educational results in the given field of study. The internship will be implemented on the basis of an agreement between JKU and the employer
and a contract with the Project Participant who will specify their objectives and contents of the practical training, appropriate working conditions, supervision and care on the part of the employer, the duration of the internship, the rights and obligations of the Intern, in accordance with the Recommendations of the Council
of 10.03.2014 on the quality framework for internships. The employer will provide a workstation for internship that will be characterized by a good quality, compliance with health and safety standards, ergonomic design,
and standards no lower than that assigned to any employee of that organisation. Each intern will be assigned an internship supervisor who will prepare the workstation, familiarise the Project Participants with the applicable rules and working conditions, assign tasks on an ongoing basis, supervise performance, confirm progress in the internship logbook, and prepare the final internship report. Internships will be carried out in institutions
that are financially stable, have a a commendable record, help Interns to enter the labour market, and enjoy good reputation
in their environment, thus ensuring the most effective support of the Project Participant. After completing the internship programme, the project participant will receive a written confirmation of its completion in terms of the education results. Due to the organisation of the academic year, the realisation of the internships is scheduled for the months VII-X, after graduation and within 3 months of the diploma defence.



Project implementation date: 01.02.2018- 31.12.2019.


Value of the project: PLN 2 424 415.28

European Social Fund contribution 84.28% - PLN 2 043 297.20



Documents for download:

Flaga i godło Polski

Projekty ze środków budżetu państwa
lub Państwowego Funduszu Celowego

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