MEDICUS - JKU Medical Simulation Centre


Project name.: 'MEDICUS- JKU Medical Simulation Centre'

no. POWR.05.03.00-00-0004/18 implemented by Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce


The project is co-financed by the European Union as part of the European Social Fund, Axis V Support for the Health Area, Measure 5.3 High quality of education on medical faculties under the Operational Programme 'Knowledge Education Development 2014 - 2020.'

Aims and objectives of the project

  1. The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of education by creating a development programme at the Medical College and establishing a Multi-profile Medical Simulation Centre (hereafter MMSC) for the medical faculty in the period 01.10.2019. - 30.06.2023 r.
  2. The project will directly contribute to the realisation of the specific objective of Axis V Improving the quality of higher medical education, thematic objective 10: Investing in education, training and vocational training for skills acquisition and lifelong learning through the establishment of a MMSC and education and development activities for research and teaching staff, instructors and simulation technicians. The specific objective of POWER will be achieved through the implementation of the JKU's development programme at the Medical College in the field of education by means of medical simulation, including support for infrastructure, increasing the competence of the teaching staff and educating students using simulation techniques.
  3. The project is aimed at 373 (252W/121M) medical students and 46 (29W/17M) members of the teaching and technical staff of the Collegium Medicum.
  4. The project includes the following tasks:

- Creation of the development programme for JKU Collegium Medicum,

- Equipping the operating theatre, including control room and surgical washroom,

- Equipping the ICU Room 1 including control room, Equipping the ICU Room 2 including control room,

- Equipment for ER room including control room,

- Equipping halls for clinical skills teaching,

- Equipping rooms for standardised patient,

- Equipping the ambulance room including control room,

- Equipping the OSCE rooms,

- Retrofitting of the ALS room, Retrofitting the BLS room,

- Equipping for the hall for teaching surgical skills,

- Equipping the hall for technical skills teaching,

- Equipping the Virtual Reality room,

- Development of the MMSC teaching potential,

- Development of a scenario database Standardised patient programme Collaboration between Universities.


The implementation of the project will allow the adaptation of the educational programme and teaching facilities of the Collegium Medicum located at ul. IX Wieków Kielc 19 in Kielce, in the field of medical simulation through the implementation of a development programme and the equipping and retrofitting of simulation rooms intended for the medical faculty. The Multi-profile Medical Simulation Centre is ultimately intended to serve the practical training of doctors as well as nurses and midwives.


Project Duration: 01.10.2019-30.06.2023

Project value: 13 916 455.30 PLN

European Social Fund co-financing 84.28%: PLN 11 728 788.52

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Projekty ze środków budżetu państwa
lub Państwowego Funduszu Celowego

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