Meetings of the Chiral Group  (WS 2011&2012)

Timetable: Mo., see below, between 14:15-16:00,  Room 2.114 (Aquarium-room)









24 October


Francesco Giacosa



Stanislaus Janowski


        News from Erice 2011



       Superluminal neutrinos?

7 November


Participation to Emmi Physics  Days at GSI/Darmstadt

21 November

Achim Heinz

Is a nonlocal j^4 theory exactly solvable? 

5 December

Giuseppe Colucci

HBChPT and nuclear forces

19 December

Waala Eshraim

Including the charm quark

into the s model

    20 January

Stanislaus Janowski

The pseudoscalar glueball

30 January

Thomas Wolkanowski

The poles in the second

Riemann sheet


In this meeting members of the chiral group under the coordination of Prof. Dr. D. Rischke (Frankfurt University, Institute of theoretical Physics) present their latest results. The (usually blackboard) presentations  aim to discuss problems and relevant topics in the field of hadron physics. The meeting takes place on each second Monday at 14:00 up to 16:00 in the room  02.114 (Aquarium room).

Old schedules below:

Sommer Semester 2011

Winter Semester 2010/2011

Sommer Semester 2010

Winter Semester 2009/2010

Sommer Semester 2009

Winter Semester 2008/2009

Sommer Semester 2008

Winter Semester 2007/2008


Sommer Semester 2007



