Meetings of the Chiral Group  (SS 2007)







25 April


General discussions

2 May

Oliver Schebanek

Meson decays at finite T

16 May

Mara Grahl

An introduction to the O(N) model

23 May

Elina Seel

The O(2) model in polar coordinates

06 June

Denis Parganlija

 Pion-pion scattering in the gauged linear sigma model

20 June

Francesco Giacosa

The kink in a simple system

27 June

Susanna Wilms

Pion-Nucleon scattering in the mirror assignment



In this meeting members of the chiral group under the coordination of Prof. Dr. D. Rischke (Frankfurt University, Institute of theoretical Physics) present their latest results. The (usually blackboard) presentations  aim to discuss problems and relevant topics in the field of hadronic physics. The meeting takes place on (not all) Wednesday at 12:30 in the room  02.120.

