General information

Status of the Institute
The positive appraisal of the State Accreditation Committee in the field of study of Physics and Informatics Sciences.
The qualifications to doctoral degree study in the discipline of Physics by the decision of State Commission for Scholarly Degrees.
Main research interests include atomic physics, molecular physics, high-energy nuclear physics, astrophysics, biophysics, medical physics, applied physics, theoretical physics, physics teaching methodology, computer science and telecommunications.
Offert in Education
The Institute of Physics offers:
- First- and second-cycle programmes (3 years undergraduate studies and 2 years graduate studies, respectively) in the field of Physics in the following specialities:
- Physics and Computer Science (specialization teaching)
- Medical Physics
- First-cycle programmes in the field of Computer Science in the speciality:
- Teleinformatics (3 years full time undergraduate studies and 3 years part time undergraduate studies)