We are pleased to announce the second international conference devoted to set theory, topology and theory of Banach spaces. The meeting will take place at hotel Uroczysko, located 8 km from Kielce, Poland.
In the recent years one can observe increased
interaction between some subfields of set theory, general topology and
functional analysis. Set theory provides new combinatorial techniques and
additional axioms which allow to answer otherwise undecidable problems.
Functional analysis provides motivations for new topological
And general topology provides classical techniques like inverse spectra,
Stone duality, which are successfully
applied in new contexts defined by problems from Banach space theory.
The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists from these three areas
as well as all researchers and graduate students who want to learn or already work on the subject.
The conference is organized by the Institute of Mathematics of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce in coopeartion with the Faculty of Technical Physics, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of the Technical University of Łódź.
Scientific Committee:
Taras Banakh,
Piotr Koszmider,
Wiesław Kubiś
Organizing Committee:
Adam Idzik (chair),
Marek Balcerzak,
Iryna Banakh,
Beata Kubiś,
Sławomir Turek,
Elżbieta Zając
Abstract processing service sponsored by Atlas Conferences Inc.
E-mail contact: topoconf@pu.kielce.pl
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