Hadron@UJK and QM@UJK
at the Institute for Physics, Department
of High Energy Physics
Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
Research topic:
(non-)conventional mesons such as glueballs and hybrids, finite temperature QCD,
theory of decays in QFT and QM, QM foundations
Group members
Prof. Dr. hab. Francesco Giacosa link zur Homepage
Grants: NCN OPUS 2019/33/B/ST2/00613 (head) and no. 2018/29/B/ST2/02576 (participant)
Dr. Leonardo Tinti
Scientific interests: “Hydrodynamics, heavy ion
Grant: NCN Sonata 2020/39/D/ST2/02054
Dr. Arkadiusz Kuroś
Scientific interests: “QM, time crystals”
Dr. Milena Piotrowska
Scientific interests: “Light and heavy vector
and tensor mesons”
PhD thesis on “(Non-)conventional scalar and
vector mesons” (2021, pdf)
Dr. Vanamali C. Shastry
Scientific interests: “PWA, hybrid states”
Grant: OPUS projects no. 2019/33/B/ST2/00613
Dr. Subhasis
Scientific interests: “QCD at nonzero T, thermal
Grant: NAWA Ulam Scholarship
Shahriyar Jafarzade
(PhD student)
Scientific interests: “High-spin mesons”
Grants: Development Accelerator of the UJK and NCN
OPUS no. 2018/29/B/ST2/02576
Enrico Trotti
(PhD student)
Scientific interests: “Exotic states and
Grant: Development Accelerator of the UJK
Arthur Vereijken:
Scientific interests: “Scalar and tensor
glueball and the dilaton ”
Grant: NCN OPUS no. 2019/33/B/ST2/00613
Prof. Christian Fischer,
Giessen University (Germany)
Prof. Giuseppe Pagliara, INFN and University of
Ferrara (Italy)
Adrian Koenigstein, Goethe U, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Dr. Peter Kovacs, Wigner centre, Budapest (Hungary)
Dr. Giuseppe Colucci, Amsterdam (Holland)
Dr. hab. Przemysław Koscik, Applied Sciences University
of Tarnów, Poland (Poland)
Moreover, local collaboration with other meembers of the
high energy phsycis department
NA61@CERN group in Kielce, Prof. Marek Gazdicki (UJK and
Goethe U) and by Prof. G. Stefanek (UJK)
Prof. S. Mrówczyński (UJK and NCBJ)
Previous group members
Dr. Susana Coito
Grant: NCN OPUS no.
Scientific interests: “charm mesons, exotic
Tomasz Berlinski
Grant: NCN OPUS no. 2015/17/B/ST2/01625
Master thesis on “Decays of the tensor glueballs in
pseudoscalar mesons” (2020, in Polish, pdf)
Kinga Maciejska
Master thesis on “Aspects of ono-exponential decay
”(2019, in Polish, pdf)
Barbara Rusek:
Scientific interests:
Bachelor thesis on “Bootstrap-type reactions (2018,
in Polish, pdf)
Anna Wawrzynek
Bachelor thesis on “Numerical studies of the
Poincare’ time” (2017, in Polish, pdf)
Some recent works (since 2020):
Hadron physics
S. Jafarzade, A. Koenigstein and F. Giacosa,
Phenomenology of
J^{PC} = 3^{--} tensor mesons,
Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) no.9, 096027
[arXiv:2101.03195 [hep-ph]].
W. I. Eshraim, C. S. Fischer, F. Giacosa and D.
Hybrid phenomenology in a chiral approach,
Eur. Phys. J. Plus 135 (2020) no.12, 945
[arXiv:2001.06106 [hep-ph]].
S. Samanta and F. Giacosa,
QFT treatment of a bound state in a thermal gas,
Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020), 116023
[arXiv:2009.13547 [hep-ph]].
Quantum Mechanics
G. Colucci and F. Giacosa
Quantum algorithmic differentiation
Quantum Information and Computation, Vol. 21, No. 1&2
(2021) 0080-0094;
eprint arXiv:2006.13370
Contact: fgiacosa@ujk.edu.pl
Contact: fgiacosa@ujk.edu.pl