Prof. dr. Francesco
Emails: ,,
Professor at the Institute of Physics, Jan Kochanowski
Head of the High Energy Physics department,
ul. Uniwersytecka
7, 25-406 Kielce, Poland.
Phone: 0048-41-3496448. Office: 207.
Director of the Doctoral School, Jan Kochanowski
Rector's offices, ul. ¯eromskiego 5,
25-369 Kielce, Poland.
Phone: 0048-41-3497373, Office: 107.
Private Lecturer at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, J.W. Goethe
Max-von-Laue Str. 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Research and links:
Scientific Interests Hadron physics in vacuum and in
medium. Fundaments of Quantum Mechanics.
(from Inspire)
Ph.D. Thesis (Subject:
Glueball within a nonlocal approach)
Habilitation (only
the summary in German: here) (Subject:
the extended Linear Sigma Model (eLSM))
group at UJK Kielce (members, ongoing research, recent publications, etc)
Basic Info:
1995-2001: University
of Turin, Physics.
2001: Diploma Thesis
“Chiral phase transitions in the NJL model”
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wanda Alberico.
2001-2005: PhD
in Physics at Tuebingen University, Germany.
PhD thesis: “Glueball phenomenology within a nonlocal
supervisors: Prof. Dr. Amand Faessler and Prof. Dr.
Thomas Gutsche.
Frankfurt am Main and Heidelberg, work on nonperturbative
Yang-Mills Physics.
Frankfurt am Main, work on hadron physics and quantum mechanics, various didactical
activities in the group of Prof. Dirk Rischke.
2013: Habilitation. Title: “An
effective chiral model of QCD with vector mesons, dilaton and tetraquark: physics in the vacuum and at nonzero
temperature and density”.
2012-2013: MainCampus
Educator fellow (Jan.
2012-Dec. 2013) of the ‘Foundation Polytechnical
Society –Frankfurt am Main’
2014-02.2020: UJK
Kielce, associate professor.
Since 03.2020: UJK Kielce,
full professor.
First supervisor of 4 concluded PhD theses:
1. Stanislaus Janowski, Phenomenology of glueballs and scalar-isoscalar quarkonia within an effective hadronic model of QCD, November 2015 (Goehte
U Frankfurt).
2. Thomas
Wolkanowski-Gans, Dynamical generation of hadronic resonances in
effective models with derivative interactions, August 2016 (Goethe U
3. Lisa Olbrich, Hyperons in a chiral approach, September 2018
(Goethe U Frankfurt).
4. Milena Piotrowska, Study of conventional and
non-conventional scalar and vector mesons March
2021 (UJK Kielce).
Second supervisor of 1 concluded PhD thesis: Achim
Heinz, QCD under extreme conditions: the inhomogeneous condensation, October
2014 (Goethe U Frankfurt).
Presently first supervisor of 3 ongoing PhD theses: Shahriyar
Jafarzade, Enrico Trotti, Arthur Vereijken.
Third-party projects in Kielce:
NCN OPUS project 2019/33/B/ST2/00613
Role of the symmetries and anomalies of QCD on the phenomenology of
Principal Investigator: Francesco
Postdoc: Dr. Vanamali C. Shastry
(up to 28/2/2023)
PhD student: Arthur Vereijken (ongoing)
Master student(s): Agata Pniak (ongoing)
NCN OPUS project 2015/17/B/ST2/01625
Decays and spectral functions of non-conventional mesons.
Principal Investigator: Francesco
Duration: 2/6/2016-1/6/2018.
Postdoc: Dr. Susana Coito (up to 31/5/2018)
PhD student: Milena Piotrowska (defended in 2021)
Master student: Tomasz Berlinski (defended in 2021)
NAWA (Polish
National Agency for Academic Exchange) ULAM program –responsible
for the staying at UJK:
Prof. D. Giorgio Torrieri, 1/7/2022-28/2/2023, agreement ULM/2021/1/00039
Dr. Subhasis Samata, 1/1/2020-31/12/2021, agreement ULM/2019/1/00093/U/00001
Activities in 2022/2023 at UJK
Statistical methods for PhD
students of natural sciences, summer term 2023
General relativity for PhD
students, summer term 2023
Quantum Mechanics for PhD
students, winter term 2022/2023
Activity at Goethe U Frankfurt,
summer term 2022
Topological objects in (Q)FT, 11-15/9/2023 (block course, zoom)
Organized meetings:
Excited QCD 2016 (6-12
March 2016, Costa da Caparica,
Excited QCD 2015 (8-14 March 2015, Tatranska
Lomnica, Slovakia)
QCD 2014 (2-8 February
2014, Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo)
Excited QCD
2013 (3-9 February
2013, Bjelasnica Mountain, Sarajevo)
Excited QCD
2012 (6-12 May 2012, Peniche, Portugal)
Excited QCD 2011
(20-25 February
2011, Les Houches, France)
Excited QCD 2010
(31 January-6
February 2010, Tatra National Park, Slovakia)
Excited QCD 2009 (8-14 February 2009, Zakopane,
Previous activities in Kielce:
Quantum computing, for data
engineering, winter term 2021/2022
Advanced QM for PhD
students, winter term 2021/2022
Statistical methods for PhD
students, summer term 2022
General relativity for PhD
students, summer term 2022
Statistical physics (winter term 2019/2020 and
2020/2021, for PhD students)
Particle physics (summer term 2019 and 2020, for
master students)
Special and general relativity (for PhD students,
winter term 2018/2019)
Advanced Quantum Mechanics (winter term 2014/2015,
2015/2016, and 2017/2018 for PhD students, 1. year): link
Topics in Condensed Matter Physics (winter term
2017/2018, 2016/2017, 2014/2015, for PhD students, 3. year): link.
Seminar for Master Students (winter term 2017/2018,
2016/2017, summer term 2015).
Statistical methods (summer
term 2016, for Phd students, 2. year)
Introduction to QCD (summer term 2016, for PhD
students, 2. year)
Theory of many-body systems (winter
term 2015, for PhD students, 2. year)
Introduction to the Theory of Chaos (summer term 2015,
for PhD students, 3. year)
Topics in Nanophysics (winter term 2017/2018 and
summer term 2015 for PhD students, 3. year)
Previous activities in Frankfurt:
Decays in QM and QFT, August
chiral group of
Frankfurt (research topics, members, (some) publications; up to 2015 plus some theses
of QM (6-10/9/2021), (zoom/Frankfurt).
Effective hadronic theories, (12-16/10/2020) (zoom/Frankfurt).
Decays in QM and in QFT,
Interpretation of Quantum
Mechanics, 17-21/9/2018, each day of the week from 10:00-13:00, Aquarium room
Videos at:
Topological objects in (Quantum)
Field Theory" (Block-lecture for master and PhD students, 11-15/9/2017)
Video at:
Effective Theories of Hadrons
(Block-lecture for master and PhD students, 18-22/8/2014 (So. Se. 2014) and 18-22/8/2016 (So.
Se. 2016)
Video of 2016:
(Block lecture) „Decays in Quantum Field Theory (Mo. 30/8 to Fr. 4/9/2015 , 12:00 - 15:00, Room: 2.114 hier)
Meetings of the chiral
group (up to Wi.
Se. 2014/2015)
Mathematische Ergaenzugnen
zur Vorlesung „Theoretische Physik 4 (für Bachelor-Studenten,
So. Se. 2014) (link)
Videos at:
Neue Entwicklungen der
Quantenmechanik (Proseminar für Bachelor-und
Master-Studenten, So. Se. 2014.
NEQM in So. Se. 2013 hier und
in So. Se. 2012 hier).
Topological objects in field
theory (für
Master-Studenten. So. Se.
Decays in Quantum Field Theory (für Master-Studenten; Wi. Se. 2012/2013 and 2013/2014)
Video of 2012/2013:
Mathematik für Biophysiker (Vorlesung
für Bachelor-Studenten, Biophysik, So. Se. 2012)
Statistical Mechanics (Übungen;
Wi. Se. 2011/2012)
Palaver WS 2011/2012 (and older palavers)
Interpretation der Quantenmechanik (Seminar;
So. Se. 2011 and 2010)
Quantum mechanics (Übungen; So. Se. 2011)
E-Dynamik WS 2010/2011 and Mechanik II (SS2010) (and older exercises) (Übungen)
Seminar on chiral
theories (Wi.
Se. 2010/2011)