The NA49
M.Gazdzicki, S.Mrowczynski, M.Rybczynski, G.Stefanek, Z.Wlodarczyk, A.Wojtaszek-Szwarc and the NA49
The aim of the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS
is a comprehensive and consistent study of hadronic reactions ranging from
the more elementary hadron-nucleon processes via hadron-nucleus interactions
to collisions of nuclei with a variety of nuclear masses ( C+C, Si+Si, Pb+Pb)
and at several energies (158, 80, 40, 30, 20A GeV ). The goal is to compare
nucleus-nucleus reactions to non-elastic more elementary collision and to perform
such a comparison at a more profound level with controlled inelasticity and
centrality of the processes. The NA49 TPC (Time Projection Chamber) detectors
were designed to maximize the number of charged particles detected
in central nucleus-nucleus collisions. Time Projection Chambers and TOF detectors
identify various particles and search for neutral particle decays.
The High Energy Group participate in the NA49 experiment since 2001.
We took part in data taking for 30 and 20A GeV and are actively involved
in the analysis of correlation of particles in different variables (pt, multiplicity, flow etc.).
We also analyse the production and the flow of strange particles ( Ks0,
K* and Lambda ).
You can read more on the NA49 home page at CERN.
Click on the NA49 activities data and results
for further information.