The High Energy Group
at Jan Kochanowski University studies collisions
of atomic nuclei accelerated to relativistic energies. The aim
of such studies is to explore and understand the properties of matter at extreme
temperatures (~1012 degrees) and densities (>10 times nuclear matter
density). In particular, we are interested in characterizing the
transition from normal hadronic matter to the Quark-Gluon Plasma, a state
of matter consisting of deconfined quarks and gluons. We study collisions
of heavy nuclei at the highes possible energies. Our interests concentrate on several topics:
- fluctuations
- Bose-Einstein correlations
- particle and energy flow
- entropy
This research involves
collaborative experiments at CERN (WA93/WA98, NA49, ALICE).
Members of the group are involved with detector and software development
(WA98, ALICE), data taking and analysis (WA98, NA49) and theoretical description
of Quark Gluon Plasma.
We are organizers of:
"X Polish Workshop on Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions"
Kielce, December 13-15 2013
"International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD2012)"
Kielce, September 16-21 2012
"Interactive Exhibition - Large Hadron Collider"
Kielce, October 17-25 2009
"NA49 Analysis Meeting 2009"
Kielce, February 23-25 2009
"SHIN(E)ing Physics - V Polish Workshop on Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions"
Kielce, December 6-7 2008
"NA49 Analysis Meeting"
Kielce, January 14-16 2008
Click on appropriate link for physics motivation and our activities.